Agriculture is our wisest pursuit

because it will, in the end, contribute most

to real wealth, good morals and happiness.

-Thomas Jefferson

Our Approach

Commonwealth Ag Strategies (CAS) is a strategic planning practice focused on agriculture-based economic development.

CAS provides specialized services and executive level capacity to leaders across the agriculture value chain. Former clients include Agricenter International, Kentucky Agricultural Council, Meat& Livestock Australia and the Southeastern Livestock Network. CAS maintains a collaborative and working relationship with a broad range of agricultural communities in order to understand and navigate the rapidly changing social, political and environmental challenges facing ag leadership. CAS understands how shifts across vast global and domestic agricultural markets’ can have tangible impacts on the lives of individual farmers. We maintain deep and current relationships throughout the global value chain and throughout all levels of domestic bureaucracy. Most importantly, we maintain a close and working relationship with activist farmers in our communities. We bring this knowledge, experience and a specialized perspective to each project we embrace so that our Clients can focus on what they do best: growing the future.

Our Drivers

To serve public or private sector Clients in creating actionable visions for growth by combining their passion with our technical expertise and vast industry connections.

Private firms, professional associations, non-profits, stakeholder groups,  and governmental sectors (local, state and federal). We also excel in working with multi-level stakeholder groups with diverse representation from the list above.

Leveraging our decades of experience and vast industry relationships to provide support and services to those seeking to develop a safe, abundant, affordable, replicable, and profitable food supply across the US and globally.

We Help Clients

“Commonwealth Ag Strategies provided MLA Donor Company innovation scouting services across research and development organisations both publicly and privately…. During this innovation scouting assignment the Commonwealth Ag Strategies team demonstrated a high level of ag tech innovation insight and an extensive industry network in identifying relevant innovations and collaborative innovation opportunities.”

Joshua Whelan, Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (MLA) Donor Company

Commonwealth provided insights into the agriculture industry that really enriched our business strategy. They were a valued partner as they helped us navigate the industry and interlink it to our business.

Cynthia Bryant, SVP Corporate Development, Amyris Biotechnologies

We Know Ag.