
 BS in Chemical Engineering, University of Kentucky

 MBA, Harvard University

Home Base

Greater Boston, Massachusetts

Mary Shelman

Mary Shelman is an internationally recognized food and agribusiness thought leader with an extensive international network built over 30 years of business and academic experience. The former Director of Harvard Business School’s Agribusiness Program, today she helps organizations of all size navigate complex industry issues and identify growth pathways by providing insights into technology and consumer trends, offering strategic advice, and facilitating management team/board level programs.

Key Experience

Director of Agribusiness Program, Harvard Business School (2005-2016): among many achievements and programs while serving HBS, Mary led in developing 60+ case studies highlighting situations of strategic change and transformational leadership by working with CEOS of industry-leading firms including Nestlé, Monsanto, Syngenta, Bunge, Fonterra, Olam, Barilla, Domino’s and Yum China.

Strategic Advisor to The Irish Food Board (2010-2015): Created the world’s first country brand, Origin Green, based on sustainability led to a 50% increase in Irish food and drink exports from 2009-2015.

Chairman of RiceTec, Inc., an integrated genetics/agribusiness venture that is now the largest U.S. rice seed company.

11 years as Board Director of Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein (Foundation Prince Liechtenstein), the holding company for the non-financial services assets of Liechtenstein’s royal family

Two-year term as President of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA).

International Federation of Cooperatives (Oct 2016); Keynote on Global Trends in Agri-Food

Women in Agribusiness (Sept 2016); Keynote on The Changing Food Consumer

Leading agribusiness firm (Sept 2015); Executive workshop on sustainability

Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Southern Connections, South Africa (Aug 2015); Keynote on Global Trends in Agri-Food

Illinois Farm Bureau Commodity Conference (Jul 2015); Keynote on Consumer Trends Impacting Farmers’ Futures

Produce Marketing Association (Jun 2015); Agribusiness trends workshop for PMA Board

Deputy Ministers Retreat, Toronto, Canada (Nov 2014); Keynote on Global Context for Canadian Food Processors

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Agribusiness Conference (Jul 2014); Presentation and White Paper on Agribusiness Response to Volatility